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The Northstowe Youth Hive was created because young people in Northstowe wanted their voices to be heard. Our goal is to bring together young people from different backgrounds, cultures, and identities so they can have fun, grow, and make a positive impact.

The Youth Hive has pushed for professionally led youth programs. We raised money to test this out by working with the Connections Bus Project. Now, we’re working closely with Romsey Mill.

As a grassroots organization made up of young people, adults, and local groups, we play an important role alongside bigger organizations like the town council and Romsey Mill. We can help figure out what matters to our members and their friends, apply for grants, and connect with other small groups in Northstowe.

We’re registering as a charity so we can build trust in what we do – and apply for more grants! Young people have told us they want youth members involved from the very beginning!

Being a Youth Member: having your say!

Youth members of the Northstowe Youth Hive are invited to join termly discussions, which they will shape. This usually as part of an existing youth club session . They will share what matters to them and their friends, and vote on decisions. They will ask the trustees questions to check they have followed up properly on previous decisions.

The first youth members meeting is 4pm on Wednesday 9th October at The Cabin, Northstowe, hosted by Beth Cope and Elaine Atkin (DBS checked trustees) alongside the Romsey Mill run Youth Club. If you want to come along, let the team at the youth club know, or email

Current 5-year Aims:

We want to hear what young people have to say! So we are isiting
existing youth providers (schools, uniformed organizations, our
own projects) to listen to the youth voice, identify the needs and
assets in the community, and find ways to support the young
people to feed this into developing structures
Recruiting and training a pool of volunteers to work alongside
professional youth workers - to help empower Northstowe's young
and training
Identifying key partnership opportunities for youth providers to
work together on projects too big for any one provider so that,
together, we can support the young people
Finding the
Supporting networking between youth providers, helping young
Networking people connect in the right places
Joining professional and volunteer youth providers in responding to
identifiable needs
to needs
Researching and, if appropriate, exploring the delivery and running
Researching of permanent youth facilities.
Reviewing these priorities regularly in accordance with Asset Based
Community Development principles, responding and reshaping as
the youth and community develop