Looking Back
This term, the 4-5.30pm Wednesday Night Youth Drop In (alongside the general afterschool opening of the Northstowe Hub Cafe) has gone from strength to strength as Emma, Sarah-Jayne, and the rest of the volunteer team have added
new activities based on YOUR requests. The new Switch (funded by The Church Schools of Cambridge through Pathfinder Church) has proved very popular!
We’ve also been part of the Design Consultation for the Cabin Gardens, and got stuck into weeding and preparing the raised beds. In April, we joined an eco consultation, asking “how can I live a climate-friendly life” and thinking of ways to help nature recover.
Meanwhile, Emma, Fran and Beth have been working with several of Northstowe’s young people through the schools, including lunchclubs at Northstowe Secondary, and preparing to support year 6 transitions to secondary school.
Looking Ahead
We are planning Summer Drop Ins and looking forward to shaping new activities for next year – potentially adding more sporting opportunities and spaces for older teenagers to connect. Do get in touch with your ideas or to volunteer!
How to get more involved:
- If you are a young person with an idea: talk to us!
- If you are already involved in a youth activity/organization – let’s work together!
- And if you want to volunteer behind the scenes, or in Northstowe Hub Café, or in face to face youthwork – talk to us! (we can provide training)
VACANCY: Treasurer needed*
The Youth Hive are looking for a volunteer to help establish local fundraising (including gift-aid), support grant applications, and fulfil treasurer responsible for our small local charity
* this light-weight role can be entirely behind-the-scenes and fit flexibly around your main work-life commitments
Get in touch for more info: emma.whitbread@romseymill.org or youth@northstowe.info or follow @Northstowe_youth on Instagram