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Joint Statement issued at 8pm 8/8/2024

To our fellow-residents in Northstowe & the Adjoining Villages

In view of the terrible violence across the UK in recent weeks, we wish to make a joint statement as leaders of faith groups in Northstowe, expressing our solidarity with those affected and our horror at recent events, even as we find hope in our local and national experiences of interfaith friendship and cooperation.


  1. We honour the many people, of all religious and non-religious beliefs, coming together in solidarity and supporting each other as they work for peace, despite feeling scared, angered and even unsafe.
  2. We condemn any violent protest, vandalism, rioting, and attacks on the police.
  3. We condemn any harassment or violence against individuals or communities because of their beliefs, ethnicity or country of origin.
  4. We are committed to the peaceful co-existence of people from different ethnicities, faiths, and worldviews in Northstowe.

The tendency to hate and blame those different to us is a widespread human problem, including at times in faith communities. But there is also good in every person. We have already seen many good examples of people in Northstowe, of all religious and non-religious beliefs, committing to welcome and getting to know those who are different to themselves.  At this time, we encourage people to use the positive resources of their faith traditions to empower peace. Together, we will work for a strong and peaceful community for everyone in Northstowe and the adjoining villages.

Whatever your ethnicity, background, or skin colour, be assured that we value your role in Northstowe: you belong in our community

As faith groups, we can offer a listening ear and welcoming communities to those who might be struggling to know how to respond to the current news. Please get in touch with us.

The following online resources (not an exhaustive list) might also be helpful:

  3. Hate crime | Cambridgeshire Constabulary (
POC: Dr. Mohammad Waris Abdullah
POC: Rev.Dr.Beth Cope
POC: Staff Elder Josh Monteiro
POC: Neal Patel